
д-р Данчо Давчев

  • Редовен професор
  • danco.davcev@finki.ukim.mk


Роден е 1949 година во Скопје. Дипломирал на Електротехничкиот факултет во Белград (1972). Tитулата доктор-инженер ja стекнал на Универзитетот во Орсеј, Paris – Sud, Франција (1975). Докторирал на Електротехничкиот факултет во Белград (1981). Бил на постдокторски истражувања на универзитетите во Калифорнија (1984-1985). На Електротехничкиот факултет во Скопје бил вработен во 1973 како асистент. Понатаму напредувал во звањата доцент (1980), вонреден професор (1985) и редовен професор (1991). Држел/држи настава по предмети од областа на структури и бази на податоци, дистрибуирани компјутерски системи, мултимедиски системи и бази на податоци, информациони системи, oбјектно-ориентирани системи. Како автор/коавтор има објавено повеќе од 250 труда во меѓународни списанија или зборници од меѓународни конференции, еден универзитетски учебник и книгата “Мултимедиски системи”. Повеќе негови трудови се цитирани (стотина пати) од други автори, што е регистрирано во SCI. Бил раководител на 12 проекти финансирани од Владата на Р. Македонија, 19 меѓународни проекти (финансирани од Националната фондација за наука на САД, ЕУ PHARE, TEMPUS, UNESCO, Владите на Франција, Италија) и повеќе од 16 апликативни проекти за индустријата (финансирани од Искра Делта Љубљана, ЕСМ, Министерства за здравство, економија, одбрана, ветерина, УКИМ и Светска банка). Добитник е на награда “Гоце Делчев” за 1996 година, за исклучителни остварувања во науката. Член е на IEEE (senior member) и на ACM (senior member). Во текот на 2001/02 бил визитинг професор на повеќе универзитети во САД, пред сé во Аризона, Темпи. Полиња на интерес: мултимедиски информациони системи, безжични сензорски мрежи, биотехнологии, кориснички интерфејси, бази на податоци, дистрибуирани системи, пребарување на податоци, екологија, мобилно сметање.


д-р Данчо Давчев

  • Редовен професор
  • danco.davcev@finki.ukim.mk


Име на трудотМестоДржава
Mobile Multimedia for Engineering Education in Signal Processing9th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering EducationOman
Mobile Virtual BlackboardIADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information System, Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 1646-3692, 2007, pp. 83-98 
Integrating MPEG-4 3D Content in GamesSiggraph 2006, CD PublicationUSA
Mobile Multimedia for Engineering Education in Signal Processing9th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering EducationOman
Integrating MPEG-4 3D Content in GamesSiggraph 2006, CD PublicationUSA
From Web-based distance learning to m-learningProc. of the 5th Global Congress on Engineering EducationUSA
Visualization of MPEG-4 3D ContentProc. of the 6th IASTED Int. Conf. on Visualization, Imaging, and Image ProcessingSpain
Rendering strategies for displaying MPEG-4 graphics objectsWSEAS Transactions on INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS 
Sound and Video processing in Wireless Sensor NetworksProc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06)France
3D Object Matching Using Spherical MappingProc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics SocietyFrance
Spherical Mapping: A Powerful Tool for 3D Objects MatchingCD Proc. of the IEEE SETIT 2007Tunisia
Missing Data Correction in Still Images Using Multi –Resolution AnalysisJournal of Computing and Information Technology, CIT 15 
Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks Using FuzzyART Neural-NetworksIEEE CD Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsPortugal
Mobile Virtual Blackboard (F_081)CD Proc. of IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2007, NMCSISPortugal
HCI for m-learning in Image Processing by HandheldsCD Springer Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. in HCIP.R. China
Multimedia Environment for Mobile LearningICSNC 2007, In CD Proc. of the Second IEEE International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, Best paper award on the conferenceFrance
Mobile Virtual BlackboardIADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information System, Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 1646-3692, 2007, pp. 83-98 
Protein Classification by Matching 3D StructuresIEEE Proc. of the Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information TechnologiesKorea
Project Based Learning of Embedded SystemsACM Digital Library and Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, SIGNAL and TELECOMMUNICATIONS (CISST`08)Mexico
On-line and open platform for 3D object retrievalEurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D object retrievalGreece
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Method based on Neural NetworksCD Proc. of the IEEE iCBBE 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedical EngineeringChina
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Model Adaptation for Balanced Energy Fading in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial InformaticsSingapore
Distributed solution to Mobile Number Portability in MacedoniaIEEE ISCN’08 Computer NetworksTurkey
N-Queens based Algorithm for Moving Object Detection in Distributed Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2008), SRCE, IEEE, pp. 899-904, best student paper awardCroatia
MOBILE EXPERT BUSINESS ADVISORCD Proceedings of ICE-B-2008 Int. Conf.Portugal
Protein Classification Using Decision Trees with Bottom-up Classification ApproachChwee Teck Lim, James C.H. Goh (Eds.): ICBME Springer Proceedings 23, pp. 174–178Singapore
Experiments in Data Management for Wireless Sensor NetworksIARIA Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications CD Proceedings., IEEE Digital Library 
Efficient protein classification by using 3D structure content representationCD Proc. of IASTED Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Acta PressSpain
Protein classification using decision trees with bottom-up classification approachThe 13th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringSingapore
Cluster-based MDS for Nodes Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks with Irregular TopologiesProc. of the Fifth IEEE/ACM International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST`08), University of Cergy-Pontoise, ISBN: 978-1-60558-046-3, pp. 384-389France
N-Queens based Algorithm for Moving Object Detection in Distributed Wireless Sensor NetworksJournal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT), vol. 16, no 4, 325 – 332 
Comparative analysis of three efficient approaches for retrieving protein 3d structuresCD Proc. of IEEE CIBEC, 4th Cairo Int. Biomedical Engineering ConferenceEgypt
Multi-level Classification of Proteins Using 3D Structure Content Representation with Dimensionality ReductionCD proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates
A System for Protein Classification Based on Protein 3D Structureproceedings of The 5th international conference SETIT 2009: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, IEEE, p.172Tunisia
An Efficient Approach in Comparing Protein Structures using Matrix Alignement TechniquesProc. of Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics, 73-77, ISBN: 978-1-60651-009-4Florida,USA
Mobile Business Management Based On Multiple Web ServicesProc. of the 2009 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS`09)USA
A Mobile User Interface for Business Knowledge Management (BKM)Springer, M.J. Smith and G. Salvendy (Eds.): Human Interfaces HCI International 2009, LNCS 5617, pp. 22-30USA
Web interface for Habitat Monitoring using Wireless Sensor NetworkIEEE Digital Library and Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2009, pp . 157-162France
Learning and position estimation of a mobile robot in an indoor environment using FuzzyART neural networkIEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Suntec Convention and Exhibition CenterSingapore
Dynamic Complex Web Service Based On Fuzzy Logic Selection AlgorithmProc. of IADIS Int. Conf. WWW Internet 2009, ISBN: 978-972-8924-93-5, IADIS 2009, pp. 287- 294Italy
HMM Approach for Classifying Protein StructuresY.-h. Lee et al. (Eds.): FGIT 2009, LNCS 5899, pp. 34–41, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 
Protein Classification Based on 3D Structures and Fractal FeaturesICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1, 2010, pp. 115-124Macedonia
Protein Function Prediction Based on Neighborhood ProfilesICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1, 2010, pp. 125- 134Macedonia
Automated Structural Classification of Proteins by Using Decision Trees and Structural Protein FeaturesICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1Macedonia
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Methods: Multidimensional Scaling vs. Semidefinite Programming Approach, ICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1, 2010ICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), 2010Macedonia
Multiplatform Real- Time Rendering of MPEG- 4 3D Scenes with Microsoft XNAICT Innovations 2009, Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, (Eds. D.Davcev and Jorge Marx Gomez), ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1, 2010, pp. 337- 344Macedonia
HMM based approach for classifying protein structuresInternational Journal of Bio- Science and Bio- Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1 
Rule Inducted Models for Classifying Water Quality Using Diatoms as Bio-indicatorsProc. Int. Conf. on Environmental and Computer Science, ICECS’ 09, ISBN 978-0-7695-3937-9, 71-75Dubai
Mobile devices as Virtual Blackboards for M-learningCD Proc. of AHFE International Conference, ISBN-13: 978- 0- 9796435- 4- 5, ISBN 10: 0- 9796435- 4-6, Eds. V. Karwowski and G. SalvendyFlorida,USA
Testbed Environment for Wireless Sensor and Actuator NetworksIARIA ICSNC Int. Conf., IEEE Dig. Library, ISBN 978-0-7695-4145-7/10, DOI 10.1109/ICSNC.2010.8, 1-6France
Opportunities and challenges of sensor and actuator networks(sanets) in smart gridinternational symposium “Energetics 2010”Macedonia
Incorporating Several Features in the Protein Ray Descriptor for More Accurate Protein 3D Structure RetrievalACM Multimedia 2010 Conference, ACM Workshop on 3D Object RetrievalItaly
Efficient Approaches for Retrieving Protein Tertiary StructuresIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (accepted) 
Hidden Markov Models for classifying protein secondary and tertiary structuresJournal of Convergence ,vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 57-64 
Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network System Based on Classification of Adopted Supervised Growing Neural Gas AlgorithmICT Innovations 2010, in Springer: Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Volume 83, Part 2Macedonia
Име на проектотФинансирано од
Wavelet based indexing and retrieval of 3D objects, Macedonian-France Joint ProjectMinistry of Science -Egide (France) and Ministry of Education and Science of R.Macedonia
Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering CurriculumTEMPUS
Master of E-business Management at the Faculty of Economics in SkopjeTEMPUS
ECOSYSTEM INFORMATICS Development of Postgraduate CurriculumTEMPUS
Video-Conferencing as a part of Distance Learning EnvironmentTEMPUS
Наслов на книгатаИздавач
Структури на податоци, организација на датотеки и бази на податоциредовен учебник издаден од Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје
Multimedia SystemsMedis Informatics, Skopje
Линк до асоцијацијата (здружението)Име на асоцијацијата (здружението)