

д-р Ана Мадевска Богданова

  • Редовен професор
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  • ana.madevska.bogdanova@finki.ukim.mk
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Родена е 1967 година во Скопје. Основно и средно образование завршила во Скопје. Во 1991 година дипломирала на Институтот за информатика при ПМФ во Скопје како најдобар дипломиран студент во тековната академска година. На Институтот за информатика почнала и да работи како стручен соработник во 1992 година. Во 1996 година магистрирала а во 2003-тата ја одбранила докторската дисертација на ИИ, ПМФ. Во 2004, 2009 и 2014 напредувала од доцент до редовен професор на ФИНКИ.

Главно подрачје на научен интерес на проф. Мадевска-Богданова е областа на вештачките интелигентни системи - препознавање облици, биоинформатика, биосигнали, а работи и полето на едукација. Објавила 60-тина трудови од областите на нејзиниот интерес во книги списанија со импакт фактор, меѓународни списанија и зборници на трудови од меѓународни и домашни конференции. Досега објавила неколку учебни помагала. Раководела и учествувала во повеќе Европски и домашни научноистражувачки и апликативни проекти. Мадевска-Богданова престојувала на неколку странски универзитети. Во текот на последните 20 години неколку пати имала стручен престој на Католичкиот универзитет во Лувен, Белгија и на Мастрихт универзитетот, Холандија. Била поканет предавач на Универзитетот во Мејн, САД. Во 2003-2005 година била раководител на Компјутерскиот центар на ИИ, 2009-2011 година, била Раководител на Институтот за информатика, ПМФ. Од 2019-та година е Раководител на Институтот за Интелигентни системи на ФИНКИ.



д-р Ана Мадевска Богданова

  • Редовен професор
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  • ana.madevska.bogdanova@finki.ukim.mk
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Име на трудотМестоДржава
Pruning nodes in feedforward Neural NetworksProceedings of the VIII-th International konference of logics and informatics LIRA '97Jugoslavija
Application of Neural Networks in Simulation of Hydrological setsProceedings of XXI International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces ITI'99Croatia
Analysis of the MSVMO method - the probabilistic SVM outputsProceedings of 26-th International Conference on Information Technology InterfacesCroatia
NN Probabilistic Outputs in Character Recognition ProblemProceedings of the II-nd Balkan Conference Macedonia
Paralelna implementacija na Dirihleova tesalacija4-ти тематски ЕТАИМакедонија
Feedback transducer - neperiodiцni nizi dobieni so koneцni avtomatiProceedings 4-ти тематски ЕТАИМакедонија
Algotithms for Dirichlet TessellationProceedings of VII conference of logic and informatics LIRA '95Jugoslavija
Data scaling in Feedforward Neural NetworksProceedings of XIX International Conference Information Technology Interfaces ITI'97Croatia
Automatic Classification With Support Vector Machines In Molecular BiologyProceedings of III International conference of Cognitive and Neural sytemsUSA
A geometrical modification of SVM outputs for pattern recognitionProceedings of XXII International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces ITI'00Croatia
A new approach of modifying SVM outputsProceedings of IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'2000Italy
Support Vector Machines as pattern classificator in BioinformaticsProceedings of Second CIIT'01Macedonia
SVM classifiers with moderated outputs for automatic classification in Molecular BiologyProceedings of Third Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2002Macedonia
Pattern recognition in DNA sequences using SVM classifiers with probabilistic outputsProceedings of Mathematics and Informatics for Industry International Conference – MII 2003Greece
Classification of DNA sequences using modified SVM outputsProceedings of 13-ta International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN /IJCNNTurkey
Recognition of human mitochondrial sequences using SVMProceedings of The First Balcan Conference of Informatics, BCI’2003Greece
Pattern recognition using Support vector machines and Multylayered feedforward Neural NetworksPhD ThesisMacedonia
Learning system based on digital gamesCIITMacedonia
Overview of modern file systemsCIITMacedonia
SA Tabu Miner - A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm For Rule InductionURPDMPortugal
System for Management,Visualization and Maintenance of Infrastructural ResourcesTELFOR-2010Serbia
An application for geospatial visualization of optical networksICESTMacedonia
An Application for Maintaining Optical NetworksICT-InnovationMacedonia
Intelligent Systems – the CourseProceedings of Computational Intelligence and Information Technologies CIIT’08Macedonia
Morphosyntacic Annotation of Macedonian Language using Support Vector MachinesProceedings of 30th MIPROCroatia
DNA chips in bioinformaticsProceedings of Computational Intelligence and Information Technologies CIIT’07Macedonia
Expert System for Taxonomy in Entomologyproceedings 10th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006)USA
Teaching Bioinformatics to Computer Science StudentsProceedings of IEEE EUROCON 2005Serbia and Montenegro
MULTICATEGORY SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN URINARY CALCULIProceegings of 14th International Symposium Spectroscopy in Theory and PracticeSlovenia
NN Probabilistic Outputs in character recognition problemProceedings of The Second Balcan Conference of Informatics, BCI’2003Macedonia
Analysis of the MSVMO method - the probabilistic SVM outputsProceedings of International Conference on Information Technology InterfacesCroatia
Probabilistic SVM outputs for pattern recognition using Analytical GeometryNEUROCOMPUTING, An International Journal, Elsevier  
Bioinformatics – the Machine Learning approachProceedings of Fourth Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2003Macedonia
Recognition of human mitochondrial sequences using SVMProceedings of The First Balcan Conference of Informatics, BCI’2003Greece
Classification of DNA sequences using modified SVM outputsof 13-th International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN /IJCNNTurkey
Pattern recognition in DNA sequences using SVM classifiers with probabilistic outputsProceedings of Mathematics and Informatics for Industry International Conference – MIIGreece
SVM classifiers with moderated outputs for automatic classification in Molecular BiologyProceedings of Third Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2002Macedonia
Automatic classification in Molecular Biology using SVM classifiersProceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and PracticeBelgium
Support Vector Machines as pattern classificator in BioinformaticsProceedings of Second Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2001Macedonia
A new approach of modifying SVM outputsProceedings of IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksItaly
A geometrical modification of SVM outputs for pattern recognitionProceedings of Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, ITI 2000Croatia
Automatic Classification With Support Vector Machines In Molecular Biology Proceedings of the Third annual conference on Cognitive and Neural SystemsUSA
Application of Neural Networks in Simulation of Hydrological setsProceedings of the XXI International Conference on Information Technology InterfacesCroatia
Data scaling in Feedforward Neural NetworksProceedings of the XIX-th International Conference in Information Technology InterfacesCroatia
Pruning nodes in Feedforward Neural NetworksProceedings of the VII-th International Conference in Logic and Computing, LIRA 97Yugoslavia
Sequentional and parallel algorithms for Dirichlet TessalationProceedings of VIII-th Conference in Logic and Computing, LIRA 95Yugoslavia
Parallel implementation of Dirichlet TessalationProceedings of Balkan Conference, ETAIMacedonia
Feedback transducer - nonperiodical arrays with finite automataProceedings of Balkan Conference, ETAIMacedonia
Име на проектотФинансирано од
DAAD - center of excelence for applications of mathematics; Probabilistic models in mathematical biology and bioinformaticsDAAD
Pattern recognition models using neural networksМинистерство за Наука
System for visualization of network resourcesFaculty of electrical engineering and information technology
E-Health applications using folksonomy and Internet social networksFaculty of electrical engineering and information technology
Software Engineering: Computer Science Education and Research CooperationDAAD, Germany
Проект за модернизација на образованието МОН/Светска банка
TEMPUS, CARDS CD JEP 18046-2003 Management and (e)Business Education in Computer StudiesTEMPUS
Centre of Excellence for Applications of Mathematics, Mathematical models in BioinformaticsDAAD, Germany
IST EU SEE Project 5th Framework, A Balkan and Eastern European Network of Excellence for the diffusion of Mathematics for IndustryFP6
National Contact-Point of Macedonia for Open and Distance Education PHARE
Analiza i izrabotka na algoritmi za predviduvawe na vremenski serii МОН
Математички модели za препознавање облици МОН
individual mobility grant for developing course modulesTEMPUS
Programski modeli za paralelno procesirawe МОН
Паралелни архитектури и алгоритмиМОН
Biocybernetical models of computer aided artefacts for dissabled people, hearing an vision МОН
Computer applications of mathematical disciplinesМОН
Mathematical methods and computer support for the spatial system for Republic of Macedonia МОН
Наслов на книгатаИздавач
A Different Approach to Information Technology - Teaching the Intelligent Systems Course, in "Technology, Education and Development"InTech
Назив на конференцијатаИме на конференцијатаГрадДржава
DEKUS 2000DEKUSОхридМакедонија
DECUS 2004DECUSОхридМакедонија
HP Interex конференција 2005HP Interex конференција 2005ОхридМакедонија
Conference on Informatics and Information TechnologyCIITБитолаМакедонија
EUROCON 2005 Computer as a ToolBelgradeSerbia and Montenegro
 18. telekomunikacioni forum, TELFOR 2010BelgradeSerbia
7th Conference for Informatics and Information TechnologyCIIT 2010BitolaMacedonia
New Support Vector Machines-based approach over DNA chip data INNOVATIONS 2008Al IinUAE
Intelligent Systems for Computer Science Students INTED 2008ValenciaSpain
Intelligent Systems – the Course Computational Intelligence and Information Technologies CIIT’08BitolaMacedonia
Morphosyntacic Annotation of Macedonian Language using Support Vector Machines 30th MIPROOpatijaCroatia
DNA chips in bioinformatics Computational Intelligence and Information Technologies CIIT’07BitolaMacedonia
Expert System for Taxonomy in Entomology10th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006)OrlandoUSA
MULTICATEGORY SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN URINARY CALCULI14th International Symposium Spectroscopy in Theory and PracticeNova GoricaSlovenia
NN Probabilistic Outputs in character recognition problem The Second Balcan Conference of Informatics, BCI’2003OhridMacedonia
Analysis of the MSVMO method - the probabilistic SVM outputs International Conference on Information Technology InterfacesCavtatCroatia
Bioinformatics – the Machine Learning approach Fourth Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2003BitolaMacedonia
Recognition of human mitochondrial sequences using SVM The First Balcan Conference of Informatics, BCI’2003ThessalonikiGreece
Classification of DNA sequences using modified SVM outputs13-th International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN /IJCNNIstanbulTurkey
Pattern recognition in DNA sequences using SVM classifiers with probabilistic outputs Mathematics and Informatics for Industry International Conference – MIIThessalonikiGreece
SVM classifiers with moderated outputs for automatic classification in Molecular Biology Third Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2002BitolaMacedonia
Automatic classification in Molecular Biology using SVM classifiers NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and PracticeLeuvenBelgium
Support Vector Machines as pattern classificator in Bioinformatics Second Conference for Information Technology, CIIT’2001BitolaMacedonia
A new approach of modifying SVM outputs IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksLake ComoItaly
A geometrical modification of SVM outputs for pattern recognition Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, ITI 2000PulaCroatia
Automatic Classification With Support Vector Machines In Molecular BiologyThird annual conference on Cognitive and Neural SystemsBostonUSA
Application of Neural Networks in Simulation of Hydrological sets the XXI International Conference on Information Technology InterfacesPulaCroatia
Data scaling in Feedforward Neural Networks the XIX-th International Conference in Information Technology InterfacesPulaCroatia
Pruning nodes in Feedforward Neural Networks the VII-th International Conference in Logic and Computing, LIRA 97Novi SadYugoslavia
Sequentional and parallel algorithms for Dirichlet Tessalation VIII-th Conference in Logic and Computing, LIRA 95Novi SadYugoslavia
Parallel implementation of Dirichlet Tessalation Balkan Conference, ETAIOhridMacedonia
Feedback transducer - nonperiodical arrays with finite automata Balkan Conference, ETAIOhridMacedonia
Презентација заНа конференцијатаОд тип
Data mining -можност за предвидувањеDEKUS 2000Научна
Data mining in BioinformaticsDECUS 2004Научно
DNA chips and Microarrays in BioinformaticsHP Interex конференција 2005Научно
Support Vector Machines as pattern classificator in BioinformaticsConference on Informatics and Information TechnologyНаучна
SVM classifiers with moderated outputs for automatic classification in Molecular BiologyConference on Informatics and Information TechnologyНаучна
Teaching Bioinformatics to Computer Science StudentsEUROCON 2005  
On Object Oriented modeling - Why and howDAAD Workshop on Software Engineering, Ivanjica, September 2010Workshop
Design Patterns in the course ‘OOP in Java’DAAD Workshop on Software Engineering, Neum, BiH, September 2009Workshop
Назив на семинаротДатумМесто на одржувањеВо својство на
Bioinformatics Roadshow, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, SloveniaFeb. 2010Ljubljana 
Bioinformatics group in SISTA, Electrical Engineering Department, Catholic UniversityBelgiumOn invitation of prof. Yves Moreau, collaboration with Bioinformatics group
NATO - ASI 'Learning theory and practice'BelguimParticipation in NATO learning module, poster presentation
Human Genetics Department, Universiry of MaastrichtNetherlandsPresentation, 'SVM in Bioinformatics'
Visiting the University of MaineMaine, USAPresentation, 'SVM in Bioinformatics'
Data mining and Bioinformatics group in SISTA, Electrical Engineering Department, Catholic UniversityBelgiumLecture “Support vector machines for pattern recognition”
ESAT - SISTA, Catholic University BelgiumDeveloping course modules in Artificial Intelligence
ERASMUS school in Mathematical Mathods in technologyBelgiumERASMUS programm
International Summer School in Cognitive ScienceBulgariaSummer School
International Summer School in Cognitive ScienceGreeceDeveloping cooperation
Visit to Humbolt UniversityGermanyJCSE course development
TEMPUS, CARDS CD JEP 18046-2003 Management and (e)Business Education in Computer StudiesEnglandTempus project
TEMPUS, CARDS CD JEP 18046-2003 Management and (e)Business Education in Computer StudiesGreeceTempus project
Visit to Catholic UniversityBelgiumScientist visit
Visit to Catholic UniversityBelgiumScientist visit
Tempus CD_JEP-16160-2001GreeceDeveloping a course
Visit to Human Genetics DepartmentHollandScientist visit
Visit to Catholic UniversityBelgiumScientist visit
University of MaineMaine, USAInvited lecture
Visit to Catholic UniversityBelgiumTempus mobility grant
Summer School for Cognitive ScienceBulgariaAttending Courses
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http://cs.org.mkЗдружение на информатичарите на Македонија
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