
Verica Bakeva Ph.D.

  • Professor
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Verica Bakeva was born in 1969 in Kavadarci. She finished primary and secondary school in Kavadarci with excellent grades. In 1988/89, she started mathematics and informatics studies at the Faculty of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics and she graduated in 1992.   In 1998 he finished her master studies with a thesis defence “One-Channel Queueing Systems with quasigeometric input stream and discrete distributed service times” and obtained the title Master of mathematics and informatics sciences. In 2003, the defence of a doctoral dissertation titled ”A Contribution of Probabilistic Models in Queueing Systems, Cryptography and Coding Theory" she was awarded a PhD in informatics. 

Verica Bakeva was employed in 1993 as younger assistant at the Institute of Informatics in the Faculty of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In 1998, she was elected as assistant at the Section of Theoretical Foundation in Informatics at the Institute of Informatics. In 2003, she was elected as assistant professor and in 2008 as associate professor.In 2011, she started to work at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Ingineering. In 2013, she was elected as full professor.

As assistant she performed exercises in the following courses: Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Information Theory, Theory and Methods of Linear Programming, Analytical Geometry, Vector Spaces, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry and Informatics. As professor, she give lectures for Probability Theory, Probability ans Statistics, Information Theory, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Mathematical Analyses, Operation Research, Random Processes (for undergraduate students) and Information Theory, Random Processes and Coding Theory (for graduate students). Scientific fields of her interest are probabilistic models and their applications, at first in cryptography and coding theory.

Verica Bakeva has published more than 60 scientific papers. She participated in several conferences in the country and abroad by presenting her papers. As a researcher, she participated in six projects funded by the Ministry of Science of Macedonia and three international projects. Also, she was team leader in 4 and researcer in 6 projects funded by FCSE. She is an author of one university texxtbook, 5 textbooks for high school students and one monografy. Verica Bakeva is a member of Society ICT-ACT and a member of Information Theory Society of IEEE.


Verica Bakeva Ph.D.

  • Professor
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Some Characteristics of Geo/GD/1 and Geo^X/G_D/1 Queueing SystemsProceedings of I Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of MacedoniaMacedonia
Series of Geo^X(p_i)/Geo(b)/1 queueing systems generated in the waiting processProceedings of I Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of MacedoniaMacedonia
Дефинирање на границата на средноморското климатско влијание во Р.Македонија со посебен осврт на резултатите добиени со кластер анализаГеографски разгледи 31Македонија
Примена на статистички методи во изучувањето на метеоролошко-климатските карактеристики на просторот на Р.Македонија, Влијание на Средоземното Море врз климата во Р. МакедонијаМакедонска ризница 
Characterizations of the Geometric Distribution Related to the Unreliable Geo/GD/1 SystemsSimulation Engineering  
Some Characteristics of Systems with Geometrically Distributed Interarrival Times and Discrete Service TimesProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Operational Research KOI’98Croatia
Едноканални системи за масовно опслужување на квазигеометриски влезен поток и дискретно распределено време на опслужувањемагистерска работаМакедонија
Minimization of the Blocking Time of the Unreliable Geo/G_D/1 Queueing SystemsMathematical Communications, Vol. 4, No.1Croatia
Busy period and Number of Customers Served during the Busy Period in a Geo^X/G_D/1 Queueing SystemMatematichki BiltenMacedonia
Some Characteristics of Output Stream of Unserved Customers in G^X/G/1 and G_D^X/G_D/1 SystemMatematichki BiltenMacedonia
Quasigroup string processing: Part 1Contributions, Section of Mathematucal and Technical Sciences, MANU, XX 1-2Macedonia
Random walk tests for pseudo random number generatorsMathematical Communications, Vol. 6, No.2Croatia
Quasigroup Hash FunctionsProceedings of Workshop of Education of Informaticians and Industrial Mathematicians: New Challenges and NeedsMacedonia
Quasigroup and Hash FunctionDiscrete Mathematics and Applications: Proceedings of Sixth International Conference, South-West UniversityBulgaria
On a Stream Error Correcting CodesProceedings of the 2nd Conference of Informatics and Information TechnologiesMacedonia
Флуктуации и осцилации на врнежите во Скопје за периодот од 1925 до 2000 годинаГеографски разгледи 36Македонија
Примена на кластер анализата во лозарските единици во Република МакедонијаПрв Симпозиум по хортикултураМакедонија
On infinite Class of Strongly Collision Resistant Hash Functions EDON-F with Variable Length of Output, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics for IndustryGreece
Прилог кон примената на веројатносни модели во системите за масовно опслужување, криптографијата и кодирањетодокторска дисертацијаМакедонија
Примена на кластер анализата во класификацијата на лозарските единици според активните и ефективни температурни сумиI Балкански и III Македонски симпозиум по лозарство и винарство, Зборник на научни трудовиМакедонија
On Error-Detecting Codes Based On Quasigroup OperationsProceedings of the 4th Conference of Informatics and Information TechnologiesMacedonia
Probabilistic models in cryptography and coding theoryPliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, Vol.16Bulgaria
Error-Detecting Codes with Cyclically Defined RedundancyЗборник на трудови од III Конгрес на математичарите и информатичарите на МакедонијаМакедонија
Quasigroup String Processing: Part 4Contributions, Section of Mathematucal and Technical Sciences, MANU, XX 1-2Macedonia
Phillometric Study of Some Wine Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) from the Balkan Subgroup (Subconvarietas Balcanica Negr.)Comptes Rendus Proceedings, 15th GESCOCroatia
A Model of Error-Detecting Codes Based on Quasigroups of order 4Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference for Informatics and Information TechnologyMacedonia
A probabilistic model of error-detecting codes based on quasigroupsQuasigroups and Related Systems 17  
Performances of Error-Correcting Codes based on QuasigroupsD. Dancev, J.M.Gomez (Eds.): ICT-Innovations 2009, Springer 
Some Probabilistic Properties of Quasigroup Processed Strings useful in CryptanalysisM.Gushev, P.Mitreski (Eds.): ICT-Innovations 2010, Springer 
Project nameSponsored by
Математичко моделирање и оптимирањеМинистерство за наука
Развој и примена на математички модели и статистички методи во истражувања од областа на природните и општествените наукиМинистерство за образование и наука
Алгебарски структури и нивна примена во криптографија и други процесиМОН
Корелирани веројатносни модели и примена во теорија на масовното опслужување, теорија на ризик и осигурувањеМинистерство за наука
Алгебарски структури и нивни примени во комуникациски и други процеси МОН
Примена на случајните процеси во моделирање на системи за масовно опслужување и и решавање на проблеми од математичката статистикаМинистерство за наука
Conference TitleConference nameCityCountry
Conference on Informatics and Information TechnologyCIITБитолаМакедонија
International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic ModelsВарнаБугарија
Presentation forOn ConferenceType of
Програмска поддршка за испитување на својствата на хаш функциитеConference on Informatics and Information Technology 
Minimization of the Waiting Times in M^X(l_i)/ M(m_i)/1 and Geo^X(p_i)/Geo(b_i)/1 Systems with Input Streams Constructed in a Series International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models 
A generalization of Quasigroup Error-Detecting Codes using Bit CombinationsCONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS OF MACEDONIA 
Association LinkAssociation NameЗдружение на информатичарите на Македонија