FCSE and Industry

The FSCE has direct intensive contact with the domestic business sectors in the field of information and communication technologies. FCSE has signed contracts for collaboration with 68 different companies . More details about FCSE industry partners can be found at: http://www.finki.ukim.mk/mk/about-faculty/partners

As a result of this kind of active collaboration, FSCE participated in 48 applicative national projects. Just as illustration, at the last project call within the “technological development framework” from government of R. Macedonia eligible for all Macedonian Universities, one quarter of the accepted projects were coordinated by the FSCE staff.

Internship at domestic companies with duration of minimum one month per year is mandatory for all FCSE students. These kind of collaboration based on internship is highly appreciated within the FSCE, the performed work is recognized as a joint graduate work, or project work within different courses. FSCE provides full range of branded courses for its students (Microsoft Academia, Cisco Academia, Oracle Java Academia). FSCE is open to enlarge the variety of certificates offered to its students.