
Smilka Janeska-Sarkanjac Ph.D.

  • Assistant professor


Born in 1968 in Prilep, Republic of Macedonia. In 1992 she earned Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Department of Computer Engineering and Automatics. In 2005 she enrolled MBA postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, and earned M.Sc. in 2009 on the subject "Information Technology in the Strategy of the Company". In June 2011, on the Faculty of Economics, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, she defended her doctoral dissertation titled "Strategic Models of e-Governance". In 2009 she was elected assistant at University American College Skopje, Faculty of Business Economics and Organizational Sciences, and in 2011 was elected assistant at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. She has years of experience in the ICT sector in Macedonia. She has worked in ICT departments in several companies in the private sector, on various positions, such as programmer, business analyst, IT administrator, team leader for development of application software, and as Director of Department of Information Technology at an insurance company. She was hired as a senior IT expert by the European Agency for Reconstruction. She attended numerous training courses mainly in the field of management and information technologies. She has written and published several scientific papers. Her fields of interest are information systems, application of information systems, information systems management, information systems strategy in the companies of the private sector and in the public sector, ICT and development.


Smilka Janeska-Sarkanjac Ph.D.

  • Assistant professor
Adapting Henderson and Venkatraman’s Theory to e-GovernanceERPBSS 2011 Conference ProceedingsUnited Arab Emirates
Comparative Analysis of ICT in the Public Sector in Estonia and Republic of MacedoniaECEG 2012 Conference ProceedingsSpain
ICT Strategy Formulation: a Case Stuy of Insurance CompanyMKSM 2012 Conference ProceedingsRepublika Srbija
Comparative Analysis of the Government ICT Projects in Macedonia, Estonia and SloveniaICT Innovations 2012Macedonia
Election Candidates Fuzzy Multi-agent Recommender SystemJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsNetherlands
Analysis of Introducing One Stop Shop Administrative Services: a Case Study of the Republic of MacedoniaTransylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Romania
Child Online Protection Campaign – Macedonian ExperienceCIIT 2014Macedonia
Behavioral Attribute Driven System for Smart TargetingICT Innovations 2014Macedonia
Project nameSponsored by
Integrated Insurance Information SystemEurolink Insurance
Distibuted Sales Information SystemEurolink Insurance
Tenders Document Management Information SystemEurolink Insurance
Archive Document Management SystemEurolink Insurance
Interactive Web SiteEurolink Insurance
Establishing an ICT Unit for the Macedonian Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentEuropean Agency for Reconstruction
Checks ManagementUltra doo
Warehouse ManagementUltra doo
Foreign Exchange Information SystemUltra doo
Bank Payment Operations Management SystemUltra doo
PayrollQBE Macedonia Skopje
Loan Amortization and Interest CalculatorQBE Macedonia Skopje
Property InsuranceQBE Macedonia Skopje
Human Resources ManagementQBE Macedonia Skopje
Life InsuranceQBE Macedonia Skopje
ReinsuranceQBE Macedonia SkopjeB
Centralized Administration of Motor Vehicles Third Party Liability in the Republic of MacedoniaNational Insurance Bureau
Book titlePublisher
Информациска технологија и бизнис-стратегијаФакултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство
Conference TitleConference nameCityCountry
12th European Conference on e-GovernmentECEG 2012BarcelonaSpain
First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, TrackERPBSS 2011DubaiUnited Arab Emirates
Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadzmentu MKSM 2012BorRepublika Srbija
Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadzmentu MKSM 2012BorRepublika Srbija
ICT Innovations 2012ICT Innovations 2012OhridMacedonia
11th International Conference for Informatics and Information TechnologyCIIT 2014BitolaMacedonia
ICT Innovations Conference 2014ICTI 2014OhridMacedonia
Association LinkAssociation Name
http://www.ict-act.orgICT-ACT Society
http://www.acm.otgACM Europe