
Igor Mishkovski Ph.D.

  • Assistant professor
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Born in 1981 in Skopje. Has graduated in Electrical Engineering in Skopje in 2005. He finished his master studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in 2008. His doctoral thesis was in the area of vulnerability and dynamical processes of complex networks. Immediately after graduation he started working at the Institute of Computer Technology in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Skopje as an assistant. At 2007 he started working as teaching assistant for the subjects in the field of computer technology and informatics. During his work he has provided a significant contribution to the design, creation and organization of the exercises and the teaching material. He was involved in the research in the field of complex computer networks and has published more than 70 scientific papers in international and domestic conferences and journals. Participated in the preparation of 5 books, as well as a number of scientific research and application projects. Areas of his research interests are machine learning, NLP, complex networks, computer networks, wireless mobile ad hoc networks, application software and web technology, IoT.


Igor Mishkovski Ph.D.

  • Assistant professor
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Virus Propagation Processes in Organizational StructuresNetSci2011Hungary
Enhancing robustness and synchronizability of networks homogenizing their degree distribution (submitted)Physica A (journal)/
Modelling long-term dynamical evolution of Southeast European power transmission system (submitted)ISAP2011Greece
Vulnerability of Complex NetworksComm in Nonlinear Science and Num Simulation (Journal)/
Vulnerability of Labeled NetworksPhysica A (journal)/
Measuring Vulnerability of Complex Networks by Simulating DDoS AttacksTelfor 2010Serbia
Selective Attack in Virus Propagation ProcessesICT2010Macedonia
Organizations analysis with complex network theoryICT2010Macedonia
Accelerating Clustering Coefficient Calculations on a GPU using OPENCLICT2010Macedonia
Building synchronizable and robust networksISCAS2010France
Vulnerability Assessment of Complex Networks based on Optimal Flow Measurements under Intentional Node and Edge AttacksICT2009Macedonia
Game Theoretic Approach for Discovering Vulnerable Links in Complex NetworksInternational Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and System Sciences, and EngineeringUSA
Using Game Theory to Analyze Distributed Computing SystemsXVI Telekomunikacioni forum TELFORSebia
A Game Theoretic Approach for User Participation in Grid ProjectsInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its ApplicationsHungary
Grid Computing Implementation in Ad Hoc NetworksInternational Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and System Sciences, and EngineeringUSA
Performance Comparison of Multicore Processors Using Various Software PlatformsETAI VIII nationalMacedonia
Project nameSponsored by
Software for electronic submission of monthly pension, social and employment contribution and personal income taxPension and Disability Fond of Macedonia (PIOM)
Data Protection ProjectMacedonian Intelligence Agency
System on Chip DesignTempus JEP-41107-2006
Diagnosing vulnerability, emergent phenomena and volatility in man-made networksFP6 STREP EU
Software for electronic submission of monthly pension paymentsWorld Bank and Pension and Disability Fond of Macedonia (PIOM)
Book titlePublisher
Solved Problems in Digital DesignIIZ/DVV
Designing SoC using SystemCIIZ/DVV
Designing SoC using VHDLIIZ/DVV
Internet BasicsIIZ/DVV
Presentations: Microsoft Power PointIIZ/DVV
Name of the seminarDateLocationIn the context of
Numerical Methods in Engineering2003Petrovac 
Microsoft IT Academy for Managing and Maintaining Windows Server 2003 Environment - lecturer2007Skopje 
Sensor Networks (BEST Course) - lecturer2006Skopje